



夏威夷’s location at the center of the Pacific Rim makes it one of the most dynamic and globally important regions in the world. HPU商学院通过檀香山将学生直接连接到该地区, 它是工业中心,也是财富500强企业的主要招聘目的地. HPU's faculty come to us from countries across the world and are educated at top-rated universities in their countries.

Students who complete the Master of Business Administration meet these program learning outcomes:

  1. 在每门课程中进row基于问题的学习
  2. 运用有效的团队合作技能
  3. 为商业听众提供有说服力的口头和书面沟通
  4. 运用商业原则开发问题的解决方案

HPU MBA是一个32学分的项目. 这个时间表适用于秋季,春季和夏季学期. 




我们的MBA加速项目是一个32学分的项目, 提供灵活的8周速成课程选择. 学生们可以根据兴趣或工作安排进row混合搭配.

MBA + 

Our MBA + program allows you to add an HPU 研究生 Certificate to get a deep dive in an area of emphasis. 在完成第一学期之后, 把你的学位专攻从商业分析到非营利组织管理的课程.




Individuals wishing to apply to the MBA program at HPU are required to submit the following:


  • 应用程序
  • 显示授予学士学位的最终官方成绩单,硕士学位(如果适用)
  • 个人目的陈述
  • 重新开始 
  • 申请费

国际 Applicants:  the minimum English Proficiency Requirements for the MBA program is a TOEFL (IBT) overall score of 80 with a writing Score of 25, 或雅思总分达到6分.0分,写作6分.5.  请参阅此处了解国际学生的其他要求.

The bottom line at 最靠谱的买球网站's 商学院 is the successful outcomes for its students. 我们理解平衡家庭的重要性, 职业与教育, 并致力于为我们的研究生提供灵活的学习课程, :

  • Program study that is only 10 (three-credit) courses and just 2 courses per term can be completed in 16-20 months. 我们有面对面和在线课程,你每学期只能选一门课程.
  • 学生必须参加两(一)学分, zero tuition) courses that each require the completion of a Coursera Career Academy Certificate.s
  • HPU提供了一个负担得起的MBA在方便和位于市中心檀香山, 以及我们在全州的商业伙伴, 你可能有资格获得学费折扣. 以下是我们的一些商业伙伴名单: httpwith://www.opiacine.com/partnerships


Ricardo Losada Revol, 2002年

申请并获得更高的学位将帮助你在同龄人中脱颖而出. Earning an MBA at HPU will certainly be a life experience that will shape your business skills and expand your view of the world. I still remember all my professors and the meaningful discussions that we had with my classmates. 教授们鼓励每个学生都积极参与, 考虑到多元文化环境, 听到不同的观点总是令人着迷. 火奴鲁鲁 is a very cosmopolitan city that allowed me to interact with people from different cultures, 和HPU具有相同的多样性. This was very appealing and helped me to develop a global-citizen mindset that hopefully any student can achieve, 要么在网上,要么亲自去.

我读研究生的时候已经有三年的工作经验了. The MBA was useful in several ways: 1) It helped me to do a career transition from operations as an engineer to a career in business and finance. 2) It provided me with the right tools to analyze with a different perspective the challenges that I had to face when I was working. 3)这, 结合MBA课程中的案例分析方法, 创造一种你将随身携带的学习体验.

你将和HPU商学院的资深同事一起学习, 在《买球网站》的“最适合退伍军人的商学院”中排名第41位的是哪所, 也是唯一一所上榜的夏威夷学校.

我们在檀香山市中心的基地, 我们把HPU带给你, 世界上任何地方, 我们的在线MBA.

充分利用我们紧凑的8周课程. Interact with our excellent faculty and get to know your fellow students as you come together at HPU, 在夏威夷排名最佳的网络大学,在美国名列前茅.S. (guidetoonlineschools.com)

如果你是退伍军人, take advantage of our online/on-base hybrid program on O‘ahu that lets you take full advantage of your GI benefits.

问题? 联系Jasmine Kauhane,研究生招生助理主任,808-544-0232 jkauhane@opiacine.com


Erik Burian

世界以商业、金融和经济为基础运转. 没有对这些原则的理解, even someone leaving the military is going to be limited in their ability to step into the professional world and operate credibly. 我的底线一直是row动准备和战术熟练, and although I certainly had some significant financial responsibilities commanding a $2 billion submarine, 我没有经营企业的实际经验. What I found in the HPU MBA program was a curriculum that accurately matched what I lacked in my own resume, in a format that allowed me to work full time as a 海军 Captain and attend classes in person and virtually. 我用两年的时间完成了这个学位,在此期间我住在瓦胡岛.C.和西雅图. 学位的后半部分我完全是在网上完成的, and several of the classes were created and scheduled exclusively for me so that I could complete a concentration and certificate in Organizational Change and Development. 我无法想象有哪份工作不能立即适用MBA的某些要素. 做一个坚定的终身学习者. Use that tuition assistance (TA) to make good on the military’s promise to pay for your education. 你永远不知道一个机会或关系会把你引向何方.


在最靠谱的买球网站获得MBA学位远不止是一个学位, 无论你是否来自大陆, 夏威夷, 或者世界上其他任何地方. It provided me the opportunity to learn alongside students from over 60 countries with an array of culturally diverse backgrounds, 它丰富了我所有的课程. 对于面对面的课程, the campus is located in the heart of downtown 火奴鲁鲁 where something as simple as an elevator ride could mean connecting with C-suite executives from your dream company. 这些优势同样体现在在线学位上, 也, as you will immediately become plugged into a network that’s centered in the heart of the Pacific’s extended business community. I cannot speak highly enough about the relationships I established with HPU's knowledgeable professors who integrated practical life applications in all their teachings. My HPU MBA broadened my horizons and has given me the unique skills and perspectives to be an effective legislator serving the people of 夏威夷.



My experience of studying and living in 夏威夷 was a preview of my business partnership with more than 20 countries. 夏威夷 Pacific University not only has unique advantages in geographic location but also embodies the American values and the model of American melting pot in culture. 我在哈佛大学的MBA课程让我看到了西方的视角, 使我能够把美国的价值观和理想移植到我的中国根基上. 我成了一个真正的“桥牌人”,” one whose life and education spans two cultures yet unites them in my person and commitment to globalization, 跨文化理解和服务于更大的社区. The world is changing rapidly, if you cannot change and upgrade yourself, then you will be obsolete. 学习没有终点,接受高等教育也没有时间节点. The most effective starting point when one is eager to change is to return to campus and continue higher education. 在现实社会中积累了一些实践经验之后, people have the qualification and ability to sort out and verify the past decision-making power in MBA courses and deepen the comprehensive quality of entrepreneurs systematically.





布拉德•哈里森 is the senior vice president of First Hawaiian Bank’s wealth management division. 负责个人信托账户资产的投资管理. Harrison brings to the position more than 32 years of wealth management experience and joined First Hawaiian Bank in 1991 as an investment officer.


