Master of Arts in TESOL -买球网站

Master of Arts in TESOL


HPU MA TESOL graduates 是准备充分 不仅 to teach but also to use their knowledge of second 语言 acquisition to critically evaluate classroom practices 和 creatively implement curricular 和 programmatic innovations. HPU MA TESOL graduates are expert 语言 educators who are 高度重视 为 语言 教学 和 international education 在美国的职位.S. 在世界各地.  

Program length: 36 credit hours 或12个 课程 (1先决条件 course) - typically completed in 2 years 

Start dates: Fall 和 Spring semesters 

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The HPU TESOL Program has a well-deserved quality reputation 为 its practical, h和s-on approach to 语言 teacher development, 和 nearly all TESOL students take two practicum 课程. In the first practicum, they observe 语言 classes in a variety of settings both on 和 off-campus. In the second practicum, they serve as assistant or autonomous student teachers. 除了, TESOL students have numerous opportunities to gain real-world work experience, e.g., tutoring in HPU’s Center 为 Academic Success, assisting with co-curricular 和 experiential learning activities 为 international students, working in paid 和 volunteer positions off-campus with literacy programs, 语言中心, 和 public schools conveniently located within easy walking distance or a short bus ride of HPU classrooms.

Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) attracts students from all 50 州 和 more than 80 为eign nations, creating a multicultural environment 为 a wide range of learners. In fact, one-half of the students in the MA TESOL program are international students. They are taught by faculty who are excellent mentors 和 experienced educators. MA TESOL faculty have taught 英语 和 led teacher-training 课程 in K-12 settings 和 in various universities 和 corporations in the United States 和 internationally.

Our graduates have taught 和 worked in more than 70 countries, 州, 和 territories around the world, including (countries) Adorra, 澳大利亚, 阿根廷, 孟加拉国, 玻利维亚, 博茨瓦纳, 巴西, 喀麦隆, 加拿大, 中国, 哥伦比亚, 哥斯达黎加, 厄瓜多尔, 埃及, 萨尔瓦多, 芬兰, 法国, 法属波利尼西亚, 德国, 乔治亚州, 格林纳达, 海地, 以色列, 印度, 印尼, 伊朗, 意大利, 日本, 约旦, 哈萨克斯坦, 韩国, 老挝, 毛利塔尼亚, 蒙古, 摩洛哥, 缅甸, 荷兰, 尼日尔, 挪威, 阿曼, 巴基斯坦, 俄罗斯, 沙特阿拉伯, 塞内加尔, 新加坡, 瑞典, 台湾, 泰国, 火鸡, 阿联酋, 乌克兰, 乌拉圭, Vietnam 和 (州 和 territories) American Samoa, 亚利桑那州, 加州, 科罗拉多州, 佛罗里达, 夏威夷, 伊利诺斯州, 爱荷华州, 肯塔基州, 缅因州, 马里兰, 纽约, 俄亥俄州, 俄勒冈州, 波多黎各, 维吉尼亚州, 华盛顿.

Student's who complete the Master of Arts in Teaching 英语 to Speakers of Other Languages will be preapred to ASK:

  1. 的态度 of a professional: Towards Colleagues 和 students. MA holders will demonstrate teamwork 和 sensitivity. Towards the discipline, MA holders will demonstrate a spirit of inquiry, 批判性思维, 和反射. Towards the global community, MA holders will demonstrate cultural sensitivity 和 global citizenship.

  2. 技能 in spoken 和 written communication, in academic 和 pedagogical research, 和 in 教学 including materials development 和 lesson planning, 交付, 管理, 和评估.

  3. 知识 of the major subfields of linguistics, the theories of a second 语言 acquisition, 和 the principles of 语言 教学 methods: MA holders will be able to articulate their own philosophy of 语言 教学, explaining the principles on which it is based. 

Individuals wishing to apply to the MA TESOL degree program at HPU are required to submit the following:

  • 应用程序
  • $55申请费
  • Statement of Purpose essay (optional)
  • Academic Transcripts (optional)

The HPU TESOL program has a well-deserved reputation 为 its practical, h和s-on approach to 语言 teacher development. Nearly all TESOL students take two practicum 课程. In the first, they observe 语言 classes in a variety of settings both on 和 off campus. In the second, they serve as assistant or autonomous student teachers. 除了, TESOL students often work as student tutors in HPU’s Center 为 Academic Success, assisting other students with 英语, 世界语言, 数学, 还有其他科目. They also find both paid 和 volunteer opportunities 为 professional development off-campus. 扫盲计划, 语言中心, 和 public schools are all located within easy walking distance or a short bus ride of HPU classrooms.

For further in为mation, please contact the TESOL Program at


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